Applicants should submit the City of Lakewood’s pre-planning application prior to submitting a Conceptual Building Request to the DWACC. After the Committee has accepted the conceptual direction of the building, the applicant will begin the Formal Building review process, which is coordinated with the City of Lakewood’s Major Site Plan review process.
Required Review Fee
Required Items
Please email a PDF request that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator:
Important Information
Formatting Requirements
Applicants should submit the City of Lakewood’s pre-planning application prior to submitting a Conceptual Building Request to the DWACC. After the Committee has accepted the conceptual direction of the building, the applicant will begin the Formal Building review process, which is coordinated with the City of Lakewood’s Major Site Plan review process.
Required Review Fee
- None
Required Items
Please email a PDF request that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator:
- Cover letter requesting conceptual review and approval, and containing all pertinent contact information.
- Conceptual site plan showing the location of the building on the site and the building footprint.
- Conceptual building elevation drawings or color renderings for all building elevations.
- Color images of proposed building materials, labeled with material type and color.
Important Information
- Please review the appropriate Design Guidelines for your development before creating your request for approval. Please email the Committee Coordinator for the appropriate Design Guideline documents for your development.
Formatting Requirements
- Format your request as a single PDF document, with multiple pages if needed.
- Format your request to be printed at ledger/tabloid size (11" x 17").
- Place "Page X of Y" numbers in the lower right-hand corner of each page in the PDF file.
- Include the cover letter as the first page of the request.
- If full-size printed plans have been requested, all plan sets submitted must be folded, not rolled.