The Denver West Architectural Control Committee (DWACC) must review and approve all temporary banners prior to City of Lakewood permitting and installation. Evidence of DWACC approval must be provided in order to obtain a City of Lakewood banner permit.
The DWACC allows one (1) "Coming Soon" or "Now Open" flag banner for new tenants only for a period of 30 calendar days. No other types of banners are allowed for any tenants at any time. Flag banners may feature the tenant name and/or logo, as well as the words "Coming Soon" or "Now Open" only. Flag banners advertising hiring, sales events, products or services are not allowed at any time. Flag banner dimension, installation method, and material must match those shown in this example.
Required Review Fee
Please email a PDF request (view example) that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator:
Important Information
Formatting Requirements
Revised 5/11/2022
The Denver West Architectural Control Committee (DWACC) must review and approve all temporary banners prior to City of Lakewood permitting and installation. Evidence of DWACC approval must be provided in order to obtain a City of Lakewood banner permit.
The DWACC allows one (1) "Coming Soon" or "Now Open" flag banner for new tenants only for a period of 30 calendar days. No other types of banners are allowed for any tenants at any time. Flag banners may feature the tenant name and/or logo, as well as the words "Coming Soon" or "Now Open" only. Flag banners advertising hiring, sales events, products or services are not allowed at any time. Flag banner dimension, installation method, and material must match those shown in this example.
Required Review Fee
- $150, if banner is submitted separately from applicant's Tenant Signage Request.
- To be paid via check made payable to the Denver West ACC, and sent to 14143 Denver West Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, Colorado 80401.
- Please include the tenant name on the review fee check, and ensure the check is delivered in a sealed envelope addressed to the DWACC.
- We do not accept credit cards.
Please email a PDF request (view example) that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator:
- Cover letter detailing the nature of the request and containing all pertinent contact information.
- Elevation drawing or photograph showing proposed location of the flag banner onsite.
- Color image of the banner, including dimensions, material and installation method.
Important Information
- Flag banners must be approved by the DWACC and permitted by the City of Lakewood prior to installation.
- Flag banners are allowed for new tenants only, for up to 30 calendar days.
- Flag banners may include the business's name and/or logo, as well as the words "Coming Soon" or "Now Open" only.
Formatting Requirements
- Format your request as a single PDF document, with multiple pages if needed.
- Format your request to be printed at ledger/tabloid size (11" x 17").
- Include "Page X of Y" numbers in the lower right corner of each page in the request.
- Place the DWACC approval block in the upper or lower right-hand corner of each page in your request. Please do not cover any information or images. The block should measure 3" x 4" when printed.
- Include the cover letter as the first page in the request.
Revised 5/11/2022