Modifications to existing sites and/or buildings must be reviewed and approved by the Denver West ACC prior to permitting and start of work.
Required Review Fee
Required Information
Please email a PDF containing the following items to the Committee Coordinator:
Important Information
Formatting Requirements
Revised 3/25/2022
Modifications to existing sites and/or buildings must be reviewed and approved by the Denver West ACC prior to permitting and start of work.
Required Review Fee
- If all replacement materials match the existing materials to be replaced, there is no review fee. If changes to materials, colors, design, patterns, exterior artwork or architecture are proposed, please instead submit a Exterior Modification Request.
Required Information
Please email a PDF containing the following items to the Committee Coordinator:
- Cover letter requesting review and approval. Please ensure that this letter includes your contact information, including mailing address.
- Site plan showing the location of the building on the site and the building footprint, as well as any new site and/or patio furniture.
- Landscape plan showing any landscaping to be replaced or modified.
- Building elevations showing all replacement materials/finishes/colors. Each material must be labeled with the material’s manufacturer, color, product code and the language "to match existing material." All changes to the existing building must be clouded or bubbled.
- Construction Staging Request, to be submitted concurrently with the Building Restoration Request.
Important Information
- Building modifications or restoration done without prior written DWACC approval and appropriate City of Lakewood permits are illegal and will result in a citation and possible fines.
- Depending on the scope of work, you may also need to submit a concurrent New Tenant Signage Request.
Formatting Requirements
- Format your request as a single PDF document, with multiple pages if needed.
- Format your request to be printed at ledger/tabloid size (11x17 inches). If the pages are too detailed to be legible at 11x17 inches, please format the plans to be 24x36 inches and submit four (4) printed plan sets to the DWACC office. Full-size printed plan sets must be folded, not rolled.
- Include "Page X of Y" numbers in the lower right corner of each page in the request.
- Place the DWACC approval block in the upper or lower right-hand corner of each page in your request. Please do not cover any information or images. The block should measure 3" x 4" when printed.
- Include the cover letter as the first page in the request.
Revised 3/25/2022