All outdoor events proposed for any of the developments within the Denver West/Colorado Mills area must be reviewed and approved by both the tenant’s landlord and the Denver West Architectural Control Committee (DWACC). Some events may also require the approval of the Lakewood Police Department and/or the West Metro Fire Protection District.
Required Review Fee
Required Information
Please email a PDF request that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator at least 30 days prior to the event:
Important Information
Formatting Requirements
Revised 3/25/2022
All outdoor events proposed for any of the developments within the Denver West/Colorado Mills area must be reviewed and approved by both the tenant’s landlord and the Denver West Architectural Control Committee (DWACC). Some events may also require the approval of the Lakewood Police Department and/or the West Metro Fire Protection District.
Required Review Fee
- $200
- To be paid via check made payable to the Denver West ACC, and sent to 14143 Denver West Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, Colorado 80401.
- Please include the tenant name on the review fee check, and ensure the check is delivered in a sealed envelope addressed to the DWACC.
- We do not accept credit cards.
Required Information
Please email a PDF request that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator at least 30 days prior to the event:
- Cover letter detailing the nature and purpose of the event, dates and times of the event (including set up and teardown), hours during which amplified noise or music will be used, and tent staking method (if applicable). Please also add the following language to the cover letter: "We understand it is our responsibility to obtain any and all required permits and/or approvals required by the appropriate fire and police departments for this location, as well as any required by the City of Lakewood.”
- Site plan showing the locations and dimensions of all tents, stages, signage, event barriers, fencing, generators, tables and chairs, grills or other food preparation equipment, trucks and/or promotional vehicles, and any other large items proposed for use during the event. Inflatable objects and pennant flags are not allowed at any time.
- Color images and dimensions for all proposed signs, including banners and directional signs.
- Evidence of landlord approval. Emails or letters are acceptable.
Important Information
- Outdoor event requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the start date of the event.
- Please note that only water barrels may be used to stake tents in parking lots and on sidewalks.
Formatting Requirements
- Format your request as a single PDF document, with multiple pages if needed.
- Format your request to be printed at letter size (8.5" x 11") or ledger/tabloid size (11" x 17").
- Include "Page X of Y" numbers in the lower right corner of each page in the request.
- Place the DWACC approval block in the upper or lower right-hand corner of each page in your request. Please do not cover any information or images. The block should measure 3" x 4" when printed.
- Include the cover letter as the first page in the request,
Revised 3/25/2022