All signage must be reviewed and approved in writing by the Denver West Architectural Control Committee (DWACC) prior to installation, including building signs, monument signs, storefront signage (including any interior signage to be installed within 24 inches of the storefront), and temporary signs. Evidence of DWACC approval is required to obtain City of Lakewood sign permits.
Required Review Fee
Required Information
Please email a PDF request that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator:
Important Information
Formatting Requirements
Revised 3/25/2022
All signage must be reviewed and approved in writing by the Denver West Architectural Control Committee (DWACC) prior to installation, including building signs, monument signs, storefront signage (including any interior signage to be installed within 24 inches of the storefront), and temporary signs. Evidence of DWACC approval is required to obtain City of Lakewood sign permits.
Required Review Fee
- $1,300
- To be paid via check made payable to the Denver West ACC, and sent to 14143 Denver West Parkway, Suite 100, Golden, Colorado 80401. Please include the tenant name on the review fee check, and ensure the check is delivered in a sealed envelope addressed to the DWACC.
- We do not accept credit cards.
Required Information
Please email a PDF request that includes the following to the Committee Coordinator:
- Cover letter detailing the nature of the request and containing all pertinent contact information.
- Site plan showing proposed locations of all signs.
- Color images of all signs, including building, storefront, monument and temporary banners.
- Details for all signs, including dimensions, square footage, materials and installation method for all signs.
- Material specifications for each material, including the manufacturer's name, color and product code.
Important Information
- Signage includes all wall signs, monument signs, door/window signage (such as hours of operation and decals), temporary signs, parking lot signs, and anything displayed within 24 inches of glass windows and/or doors.
- Installation of unapproved signage is illegal and may result in citations and fines.
- The Committee does not allow raceways on wall signs. All signs must consist of individual pan channel letters. Attractive backer panel materials are considered on a case-by-case basis.
- All store hour signage must consist of individual white vinyl lettering. Provide the overall height and overall width of vinyl storefront signs.
- Square footage is to be calculated by multiplying the overall width of a sign by its overall height, or by using a rectangle around all components of the sign.
- Please review the appropriate Sign & General Guidelines for your development before creating your request for approval. Please email the Committee Coordinator for the appropriate guidelines for your development.
- Applicant must obtain a City of Lakewood signage permit after DWACC approval. Please provide the City permit counter with a copy of the DWACC approval documents when filing the permit application. City review of sign permit applications takes about a week.
Formatting Requirements
- Format your request as a single PDF document, with multiple pages if needed.
- Format your request to be printed at ledger/tabloid size (11" x 17").
- Include "Page X of Y" numbers in the lower right corner of each page in the request.
- Place the DWACC approval block in the upper or lower right-hand corner of each page in your request. Please do not cover any information or images. The block should measure 3" x 4" when printed.
- Include the cover letter as the first page of the request.
Revised 3/25/2022